Posts Tagged ‘Speak the Truth’
How to have a real conversation: Speaking truth, in love
Ephesians chapter 4 ends with instruction about how we should engage as Christians who are in the world but not of it: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not…
Read MoreGod can use ordinary Christians in daily conversations in glorious ways
God desires to use us—people who have a restored relationship with Him—to bring His perspective into the conversations of the day. We are regular run-of-the-mill, ordinary Christians, “God’s people,” sent out to speak as ambassadors of His Kingdom perspective. He calls us to walk in the Spirit and keep in step with Him. That means…
Read MoreYou have a story to share and yes, people want to hear it
Your personal story is undeniable and people want to hear your story. Where God appears in your story, the more personal you can make it, the better. God is not an idea, God is a real person. Avoid direct reference to the Bible and no reference to “my church teaches” because although those are authorities…
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