
Equipping you to Re-present Christ in the conversations of the day


Mornings with Carmen LaBerge

Weekday mornings 7‑9 AM ET · Equipping you to re‑present Christ in the conversations of the day

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And the Grammy goes to…

The Grammys. Well, I don’t quite know what to say.  I confess that I don’t recognize the overwhelming majority of individuals or acts being honored. And…

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What matters when you’re in the hot seat?

When was the last time you were in the hot seat?  Were you in the passenger seat of your parent’s car as they drove you home…

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When I die

The email was unceremonious. Nothing more than a link to a YouTube post and the name of a friend from years past. The preview or thumbnail…

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Chapel Talk at Northwestern College

To become and ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to know the King and the things that matter to Him.

More Info
  • Carmen at Vienna Pres: Re-Presenting Christ in the Conversations of the Day

    February 22, 2025  8:00 am - 11:00 am Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St NE, Vienna, VA 22180, USA

    Start your day with a meaningful learning experience as VPC welcomes Carmen LaBerge for a special morning event! 

    Carmen, a renowned speaker, author, and host of The Reconnect with Carmen LaBerge on Faith Radio, will share practical insights on how to engage the world around us with truth, grace, and courage. Carmen is known for an interactive teaching style that is conversational, thought-provoking, and humor-filled. She will explore three key topics that matter to everyday life, discussing the intersection of faith and culture with conversation partners from our congregation. The dialogue will also invite your questions, creating space for genuine connection and dynamic insight. Come and be a part of this morning of thought-provoking conversation and community.

    Tickets $30

    Breakfast at 8:30 am

    Register here

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  • Gather25: 25-hour Global Church Gathering

    February 28, 2025  7:00 pm - March 1, 2025  8:00 pm

    For 25 hours, Gather25 will be an opportunity for the 2.5 billion believers across the world to gather in prayer and repentance, so that we can go out powerfully and collaboratively to reach the unbelieving world.

    Churches, campuses, arenas, and living rooms–every part of the global Church–will join together across every time zone and denomination in a historic gathering that is free to everyone, everywhere.

    More information here.

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  • National Day of Prayer

    May 1, 2025

    The National Day of Prayer exists to mobilize unified public prayer for America.

    2025 Theme comes from Romans 15:13: Pour out to the God of hope and be filled. 

    For more information:

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