
Equipping you to Re-present Christ in the conversations of the day


Mornings with Carmen LaBerge

Weekday mornings 7‑9 AM · Equipping you to re‑present Christ in the conversations of the day

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The flags we fly

Have you noticed how  Americans love their flags? Yes, we love our Flag, but we also seem to love flying flags of all types to show…

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The lifelong journey of discipleship

Discipleship is not a “once and done” decision but a lifelong journey, by one degree of glory to another, as we become more and more fully…

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Spotlight Interview: Ted Bryant shares The Jesus Method for Tough Conversations

Are you ever intimidated or you just want to clam up and run away from sticky conversations? Or maybe even not tell the whole truth in…

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Chapel Talk at Northwestern College

To become and ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to know the King and the things that matter to Him.

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