

Where in the Word are you?

My name is Carmen so it may not surprise you that there was a season in which I was often asked, “Where in the world are…

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The second mother effect: how Kamala Harris learned about the love of God from a saint downstairs

As the children’s book affirms, “everyone has a mother.” But what about a second mother? Kamala Harris identifies Regina Shelton as her second mom and she’s…

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How NOW shall we live?

Every morning a new headline to break our heart, sear our conscience, convulse our emotions, and threaten our sense of safety and sanity. It feels increasingly…

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Spotlight Interview: Os Guinness on Carpe Diem Redeemed

What does it mean to seize the day as a Christian? How do we embrace a biblical view of time and our place in it as…

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Belhaven Chapel Message

Carmen spoke to the students at Belhaven about finding their identity in Christ.

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