Carmen’s Family Advent Countdown

A simple nativity scene

Find a printable version here:  Carmen’s family advent  What you will need for great family fun (and significant learning) during Advent: A Quarter Several varieties of grapes (or grape flavored items) Smiley sticker A little “surprise” in a brown paper bag (it would be great if were full of gummy fish!) A birthday candle Bell “Goldfish”…

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How NOW shall we live?

Two people walking

Every morning a new headline to break our heart, sear our conscience, convulse our emotions, and threaten our sense of safety and sanity. It feels increasingly as if the world upended – and there are those declaring with certainty that the End is near. How now shall we live this moment, this day? Three thoughts:…

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Act of God: why does God get blamed but rarely thanked?

People walking on the street

As the pandemic matures, watch for a wave of lawsuits. From business deals that didn’t go through to hospitals that didn’t accommodate scheduled surgeries to every other institution, business or entity whose failure to live up to their side of a contract resulted in injury – perceived or otherwise – to someone else is going…

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H.O.P.E. for those in S.O.S. distress

The word "HOPE" spelled with Scrabble pieces on a map

People are distress and some of them are acknowledging their distress with cries of S.O.S. (Save Our Souls). Time is ripe for sharing the Good News of the Gospel. This is the day to Help Others Perceive Eternally. Today is the day for Christ’s people to serve as living demonstrations of hope, secure. But how…

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Why pray in the midst of this?

A storm at sea

I offered to pray for a mom who was angry and frustrated and grieving in the midst of more than she can bear. To be clear, I had done what I could and connected her with resources in our community in addition to offering to pray but the offer to pray is what provokes this…

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