A Thanks Giving Prayer

God on high, hear our prayers.

Today we take to heart Your word which compels us to rejoice always, to pray without ceasing, and to give thanks in all circumstances, acknowledging that this is Your will for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We give thanks in the midst of war for the Peace which passes understanding;
We give thanks in the midst of disease that You are the God who heals – in this life and the next;
We give thanks in the midst of fear that You are the God who never leaves us and never forsakes us;
We give thanks in the midst of defeat that in Christ we are more than conquerors;
We give thanks in the midst of broken relationships that we are reconciled to You and that You call us to be ministers of reconciliation;
We give thanks in the midst of this life that this is not as good as it gets, and that Your best for us is yet to come.

O God, our God, we give You thanks and praise this day. We are blessed beyond measure, and yet we find ourselves continually in deep need.

We need you, Lord.
We need your presence.
We need your power.
We need your provision.
We need your protection.
We need your promises.

We know that there are so many all around the world whose needs are so much greater than our own in so many ways, and yet, O Lord, we need you. Meet us in our need and, according to your great love, meet our needs.

Father, thank You for loving us.
Thank you for creating us.
Thank you for saving us.
Thank you for hearing us.
Thank you for healing us.
Thank you for delivering us.
Thank you for sanctifying us.
Thank you for all of it in the midst of it all.

Indeed we give You thanks in all circumstances, and we rejoice always.
Even as we pray without ceasing that Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Father, let your Kingdom come.

O Lord, hear our prayers. They are offered by faith and with deepest gratitude for the ways in which You are tending to our heartfelt needs even now. Amen