
Resources you can use to re-present Christ in the conversations of day


Has the Light of the World dawned on you?

When the Wright brothers finally got their “flying machine” off the ground in 1903, they sent a telegraph message to their family: SUCCESS FOUR FLIGHTS THURSDAY…

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The second mother effect: how Kamala Harris learned about the love of God from a saint downstairs

As the children’s book affirms, “everyone has a mother.” But what about a second mother? Kamala Harris identifies Regina Shelton as her second mom and she’s…

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How NOW shall we live?

Every morning a new headline to break our heart, sear our conscience, convulse our emotions, and threaten our sense of safety and sanity. It feels increasingly…

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The wake is over. He is home. George Floyd’s homegoing service and the sung Gospel

The wake is over. George Floyd’s homegoing service was carried by every major outlet around the world. From PBS to CNN to FOX to the BBC…

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Three conversations over three days on how to change the world

Over the past three days I’ve had three conversations with three different people asking and answering the same query: the world needs to change, what can…

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Act of God: why does God get blamed but rarely thanked?

As the pandemic matures, watch for a wave of lawsuits. From business deals that didn’t go through to hospitals that didn’t accommodate scheduled surgeries to every…

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Mother Nature, scientism, Creation care, COVID19 and the question of how now we shall live

April 22, 2020 was the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. There was a 3.8 magnitude earthquake in California. As earthquakes go, that’s relatively minor. But it…

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H.O.P.E. for those in S.O.S. distress

People are distress and some of them are acknowledging their distress with cries of S.O.S. (Save Our Souls). Time is ripe for sharing the Good News…

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Why pray in the midst of this?

I offered to pray for a mom who was angry and frustrated and grieving in the midst of more than she can bear. To be clear,…

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Spotlight Interview with Marvin Olasky: Reforming Journalism

Marvin Olasky has a PhD from the University of Michigan. He’s the editor in chief of WORLD magazine and holds the distinguished chair in journalism and…

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Spotlight Interview: Os Guinness on Carpe Diem Redeemed

What does it mean to seize the day as a Christian? How do we embrace a biblical view of time and our place in it as…

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Spotlight Interview with Adam Carrington: The Big and Small “C” Constitution

Have you ever wanted to just sit down and ask a college professor to help you think through what you’re hearing in the headlines? Adam Carrington…

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Spotlight Interview with Wayne Pederson: A Conversation with Royalty

If you were given the opportunity of an audience with the leadership of another country, would you be prepared to bear witness to the Gospel? Wayne…

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