Journalism and Media


Since you asked, News sources I rely on

Several listeners have recently asked what news sources I rely on in preparing for each morning’s broadcast. This post was originally published on 2/3/2021 and updated…

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Spotlight Interview with Jon Ward, National News Correspondent

Jon Ward is a front line journalist in Washington D.C. and a Christian. He currently serves as the chief National Correspondent at Yahoo! News, and has…

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How do I know who I can trust to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

I’m asked one question more than any other by listeners: where can I get a reliable source of news? People are frustrated by the bias on…

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Spotlight Interview with Marvin Olasky: Reforming Journalism

Marvin Olasky has a PhD from the University of Michigan. He’s the editor in chief of WORLD magazine and holds the distinguished chair in journalism and…

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