
Resources you can use to re-present Christ in the conversations of day


The flags we fly

Have you noticed how  Americans love their flags? Yes, we love our Flag, but we also seem to love flying flags of all types to show…

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Begin again, again

Children call it a “do over.” Golfers call it a “mulligan.” Television and film directors call it a “retake.” By whatever name, it is the realization…

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When Christmas isn’t Hallmark Happy

The Hallmark Channel has become as synonymous with Christmas as Bing Crosby or 34th Street were for prior generations. Hallmark movies have become so popular they…

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Christians, we are people of thanksgiving— not just for a day, but in everyday living. When we gather at our tables this week, for the nationally…

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Heeding the signs of the times

When the smoke detector goes off, what do you do?  How about the fire alarm in a commercial building?  What about a tornado siren blaring on…

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What must we do to be saved?

During a sermon in the fall of 2022, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill, said that a Russian soldier’s death on…

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What is a worldview?

The term worldview should be more than a buzzword— it should provoke us to think intentionally and critically about the forces that influence our minds and…

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Meeting Jesus

Things are not as they should be. Everyone can see that. We turn on the TV, check social media or talk with our neighbor and everything…

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Where in the Word are you?

My name is Carmen so it may not surprise you that there was a season in which I was often asked, “Where in the world are…

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Have it your way! American Autonomy vs Freedom within God’s Gracious Sovereignty

If you’ve been listening you’ve heard the word autonomy even if you haven’t actually heard the word. It is an ideology whose advocates today are legion.…

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Today is a day for fools

Every year on the first of April, we all proceed a little more cautiously. We read social media with a little more skepticism. We’d rather be…

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Primer on Israel: What are the various views Christians have of Israel today?

(Originally posted October 2016) Last week, Israel’s last living “Founding Father,” Shimon Peres, died. His death reintroduces into our American newscycle the very recent history of…

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