
Resources you can use to re-present Christ in the conversations of day


The flags we fly

Have you noticed how  Americans love their flags? Yes, we love our Flag, but we also seem to love flying flags of all types to show…

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Summer Calling: Serving as Spiritual (or Actual) Lifeguards

“Pool closed.” That’s the sign greeting many urban families across the United States this summer. Why? There’s a nationwide shortage of lifeguards. The lifeguard shortage has…

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Spotlight Interview with Dewey Williams, Minister on Death Row

2414.  No, that is not my projection about the year in which the world will come to an end. 2414 is the number of people in…

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What does it mean to be a Good Samaritan today

On the NYC Subway incident and asking what does God expect of us today Friend, when you woke up this morning, what did you expect to…

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What’s love got to do with it?

Rock and soul singer Tina Turner has died after a long battle with illness. She was 83.   Maybe her most well known song was “What’s love…

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Spotlight Interview with Jon Ward, National News Correspondent

Jon Ward is a front line journalist in Washington D.C. and a Christian. He currently serves as the chief National Correspondent at Yahoo! News, and has…

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Where Everyone Went When Everything Went Wrong

While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief…

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Happy Rebirth Day!

Each year, we have the chance to celebrate the gift of life by giving and receiving birthday gifts and messages. I appreciate the warm sentiments, silly…

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An invitation to Lenten Devotional

During this Lenten Season, I invite you to listen to the Word of God that we might hear God afresh and be drawn more fully into…

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The Biden State of the Union and the state of our union in Christ

The President of the United States is scheduled to deliver the annual State of the Union address tonight on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Every year it…

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This Valentine’s day, let’s “phileo”

In the 15th chapter of the gospel of John, Jesus bestows a great gift to his disciples.  He says to them, “No one has greater love…

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New Year. New you? 

Once again we find ourselves in a brand new year. We start with high hopes, great expectations and often a number of resolutions that prove unrealistic.…

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