When I die
The email was unceremonious. Nothing more than a link to a YouTube post and the name of a friend from years past. The preview or thumbnail…
Easter Talkic
Easter Talkic: Go ahead, put all your eggs in one basket! You’ve heard it said that a wise person does not put all their eggs in one basket. The origin of the saying goes back to Miquel de Cervantes’ quote in 1605 by Don Quixote: “It is the part of a wise…
February Talkic: What’s love got to do with it? Everything!
February Talkic: What’s love got to do with it? Everything! A life marked by love distinguishes a Jesus-person from everyone else in the room, on the call or at the party. Love is what distinguishes Christians from the rest of the world. “By this [love] all people will know that you are…
New Year Eve’s Night Talkic
New Year Eve’s Night Talkic The night before the day of the New Year is a great time to reflect upon the year and prayerfully entrust the year ahead to the Lord— and how much more powerful and rich to do so as a family. Involve members in the conversation to draw…
Christmas Talkic: Characters in Creche
What would it have been like to be present at the birth of Jesus? The characters of Jesus’ birth may be familiar to us by now— we know them well, but do we really know their stories? What surprises you? Or encourages, challenges and intrigues you? This is an opportunity to consider…
Let’s Talk Turkey: Simple Helps to Get the Conversation Going
Let’s Talk Turkey: Simple Helps to Get the Conversation Going What’s the conversation like around your Thanksgiving table? What do you want the conversation to be? Here are two downloadable tools, Turkey Talkic and Pie Talkic (talk + topics), to get the conversation going around the table at your house. Turkey Talkic…